Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No Such Thing as Santa!??!?!

I don't even know where to begin. My sister Bug is a goofy, modest, beautiful, smart, ditzy, amazing girl. The reason I have decided to dedicate a whole new blog to her is because she always seems to be getting herself into the most amazing predicaments. It baffles me how one girl can be sought after by the cops numerous times, kicked out of a Vegas night club, total 2 jeeps, and still be thriving in this world. This weeks shenanigans finally made me realize that her life could actually entertain.

I know I have peeked your interest, so I will start out with one story that always cracks me up. It is the perfect example of my Bug's sense of humor that can throw people for a loop from time to time.

Foster and I had just started dating, and he had not met my sister in a social environment yet. She was present the day we met, but they had not had a conversation. We decided to all get together and go ice skating since the Christmas festivities were in full swing. OSU has a great open skate for 2 dollars at their hockey rink. Ky and Bug met us at Foster's apartment and from there we would be on our way.

A little back story:

When Bug and I were growing up a dear friend of mine "Buddy" told me there was no such thing as Santa when we were in like 1st grade. Buddy had helped her mom wrap "Santa's" presents for her little brother, and of course had to tell her best friend about it. Now, I do not hold this against Buddy. She is a lot like myself, and cannot keep a secret to save her life. My little sister who was maybe 4 years old over heard this conversation. But, this blond haired, blue eyed little angel was smarter than the average bear. She figured that if mom and dad knew that she did not believe in Santa, then we would no longer get presents from Santa. So, she went years without letting mom and dad know. She had my parents convinced that she still believed in Santa until she was about 15 years old.

So back at Foster's apartment, Bug noticed immediately that Foster did not have a Christmas tree in his apartment. He has never been big into Christmas decorations, add to the fact that he has been a bachelor for years, he did not own one Christmas decoration. "How is Santa ever going to leave you any presents?" Bug asked Foster while waiting for me to get ready.

"Bug, there is no such thing as Santa, why would I need a tree?" Foster replied.

"What? There is no such thing as Santa?" Bug asked with a look of shock and horror and a few tears welling up in her eyes. She looked at me and Ky and asked, "What does he mean there is no such thing as Santa?" then back at Foster, "Why would you say that?"

I was having the hardest time keeping a straight face, but Foster didn't know whether or not to take this 21 year old girl seriously. He looked at me to see my reaction, "I can't believe you would do that Foster," I said, "We have not broken the news to her yet," I was trying so hard not to laugh.

Foster must have thought she was mentally handicapped, VERY naive, or just stupid until we all started busting up laughing because we could not keep up the charade a moment longer. I must give Bug some props on her acting skills. Her sweet, young face makes her look so innocent in instances like these.

This is just a taste of one of the MANY stories I have about my Bug. I hope you all enjoy them, and hope you all follow this blog too!

Welcome to My Bug's Life!

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